The Four Alpine Seasons

"The Four Alpine Seasons", is a collection on its way signed Jean-Michel Chabloz and realized together with two other local artists: Michael Rampa, a painter from the Pays-d'Enhaut and Jean-Marc Gaillard, a wood sculptor, living in the neighboring valley of the well-known Gruyere Cheese.

Made in old spruce, a wood typically used by Swiss shepherds in alpine valleys, the instrument birth follows Italian tradition of the XVIIth century. (for the two instruments representing the Winter & the Spring). A full year of research and passionate work was necessary to achieve the two first existing harpsichords.

The paintings and frescoes shine with an influence of Balthus, (who received occasionally our young artist in his largest Chalet of Switzerland located in the next village of Rossinière !). The instruments are decorated with farmers’ motives whose inspiration was sought for in local museums. Sculptures result in a conjugation of diverse motives styles and naive fantasy.

The two first instruments are now over twenty years old ! They have got a reputation among the many musicians who have got to know them in the diverse concerts organisations all over the country. They are much appreciated for their exquisite warm and round sonorities and their very light mechanics.

This instruments are not for sale, but are rented for your diverse concerts.