Be warmly welcome in the tiny world of craftmanship and instrument making. Do leave for a while your busy environement and the stress of modern life, to appreciate a moment of great quietness in my workshop. You will smell a variety of wood senteurs, such as cypress, ebony, walnut, cherry… as well as linseed oil, paint and so much more. Your eyes will be delighted with the multitude of pigment colours: Ochre, ultramarine blue, cadmium reds, etc. Anyway, my workshop is a place of exception, that will provide a rich experience in your life.

But most of all, your entire being will vibrate along with the strings, as your finger tips will sense the smoothness of ebony-topped keys. The rich sound palette of the harpsichord, this most appreciated instrument that inspired great masters such as J. S. Bach, F. Couperin or again J-Ph. Rameau to name only a few, will bring you a tremendous experience!
My principal aim is to develop nice relationships with the customer and perpetuate a great art by giving birth to new instruments that will soon rejoice many musicians and music lovers in the coming generations!
Jean-Michel Chabloz